Become a member
Dunton Park Residents' Association is called a 'qualifying residents’ associations'. To get that 'qualifying' status, at least half of home owners on the site must be members. Without over 50% we wouldn't be able to qualify and the site owner wouldn't have to acknowledge us. The good news is, we now have around 90% of Dunton home owners have already joined. Amazing work!
The chairman, secretary and treasurer can make administrative decisions but in general, members get to vote on everything else.
We have to keep certain records and documents, like:
- an up-to-date list of members
- a constitution
- a code of conduct
Also, a qualifying association has certain rights that you don't get if you're a regular association. For example, park owners should consult the residents’ association more regularly. Park owners are also required to listen to the association’s concerns. Ideally, it's about working together for the benefit of current residents, the park owner and future residents alike.
It's free to join the Association. We're all volunteers and we don't envisage many costs. We decided to use occasional fund-raising events to pay for any running costs rather than have a subscription fee.
To become a member, please read our constitution and code of conduct below then fill in the form and we'll arrange for you to sign the member's register.