Admin charges on bills
Dunton Park Residents' Association
Please check your energy bills to make sure you're not being charged an extra admin fee/service charge.
A lot of park site owners add a service/admin charge on to people's energy bills for things like meter reading. However, a judge at the Upper Tier Tribunal has ruled this month that a site owner is not entitled to levy an admin charge unless your written statement says explicitly that there is one and how much it is (this is rare).
So, you might be able to save some money but following these steps.
1. Check your energy bills to see if there's a 'service' or 'admin' charge.
2. If there is, check your written agreement/contract to see if it specifically says there will be a service/admin charge.
3. If your written statement is silent on this then it's likely it can't be charged.
If you're being charged and believe you shouldn't be, write or email Regency accounts. I've written a suggested template below.
Regency Living
Customer Accounts
25 Barnes Wallis Road,
PO15 5TT
[email protected]
Dear Sir/Madam
My energy bills regularly contain an admin/service charge.
A previous Court of Appeal case and a recent Upper Tier Tribunal hearing (ref: LC-2024 -000184) has concluded that no service or admin charges can be levied by site owners because this should be included in the pitch fee already.
The only exception is if our written agreement says explicitly that there is an admin or service charge and how much it is.
My written statement does not have this clause so I belive this fee is being charged unfairly.
Please remove this charge from future bills and let me know about your intentions for compensating us for previous charges that shouldn't have been levied on us.
Contact Information
James (Secretary)
Find Dunton Park Residents' Association
Dunton Park, Lower Dunton Road, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3GE
Additional Information
When messaging the association please include your address. The association is for members so we need to check you are a member before responding.