AGM 11 March housekeeping notes
Dunton Park Residents' Association
We’ve been asked just to clarify the set up for the AGM next Tuesday 11 March.
6.15pm - doors open
The meeting is only for members of the association.
You’ll need to sign-in so we can check you against our membership records. Each household will get a pack containing -
7pm - Meeting starts
The current Chair, Secretary and Treasurer will give summaries on the last year before we move to electing the new committee.
10 people are standing as committee members this year. If members are happy to, we’d normally just ask for a show of hands to elect all 10 as a block.
Once the committee is elected, then members need to vote for the three statutory roles - Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
James will be standing for a third year uncontested as Secretary.
Sheila Hobman will be standing for a third year uncontested as Treasurer.
Two people are contesting the position of Chair. Gary Peckham and Julie Raby.
I will invite both candidates to prepare written statements setting out their reason for standing and setting out their vision for the coming year. This will help members make an informed choice. I’ll include these statements in your packs.
The vote for Chair will be on a ballot paper with a simple tick-box to indicate your preferred Chair for the next year.
Please be assured, this will be a secret ballot so no one will know who you voted for. There will be no reference to you or your home on the voting slip so you can feel comfortable voting without upsetting anyone.
Our resident Joy Darch who is a presiding officer for Basildon Council elections has agreed to help with the count to ensure fairness.
After the results have been announced and we have the new committee in place, there will be an opportunity for members to ask the new committee any questions.
- Housekeeping -
As this is a formal meeting, we ask that residents don’t bring alcohol to consume during the meeting. However, as soon as the meeting closes, everyone is welcome to join us for complimentary soft drinks, tea, coffee, beer or wine.
Following last year’s AGM, a number of people said they wouldn't come again because there was too much chatter from some attendees and others shouted out questions at inappropriate times. So, this is just a reminder that members are expected to conduct themselves in a reasonable manner and follow the guidance of the Chair at meetings.
We don’t like to be too prescriptive but we do reserve the right to suspend members who don’t follow the rules so it’s important we keep chat to a minimum during a meeting and that we save any questions until the Chair opens up to the floor.
Thank you.
Contact Information
James (Secretary)
Find Dunton Park Residents' Association
Dunton Park, Lower Dunton Road, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3GE
Additional Information
When messaging the association please include your address. The association is for members so we need to check you are a member before responding.