Message from the Chair …
Dunton Park Residents' Association
Happy New Year to you all.
Firstly, I’d like to thank the majority of members for sticking with us. We've had many successes to be proud of since forming the association and we thank you for your continued support throughout 2024.
A few months ago I advised the committee that I wouldn’t put myself up for re-election in 2025. I’ve served for three years and feel the need to take a break. I also believe a change at the top is needed because the current committee structure isn’t working as I would like.
I am hoping James puts himself forward again to keep the association stable and to maintain the positive working relationship he has with the office. However, he’s still considering whether to stand or not himself.
We’d like to give notice to members that our AGM will be on Tuesday 11 March at 7pm in the club. The meeting will be followed by complimentary drinks. Please put this in your diary.
Of course being on the committee is open to all members so if you want to learn more about what it entails, please get in touch by the end of February latest. Being a committee member is not just about attending meetings so we do need people with time to spare (for some of our committee members it’s almost a full time job).
Finally, we had a few complaints after last year’s AGM that the meeting got noisy at some points and people struggled to hear over the chattering. Can we politely ask members to save any questions until the appropriate times to give everyone the opportunity to listen to the meeting.
Thank you all.
Contact Information
James (Secretary)
Find Dunton Park Residents' Association
Dunton Park, Lower Dunton Road, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3GE
Additional Information
When messaging the association please include your address. The association is for members so we need to check you are a member before responding.