The Office
Dunton Park Residents' Association
A lot of residents email us or post on our social media about problems they're having. As an example, there was a smell of gas a few days ago and this was reported to us.
Please remember that the first port of call to report any issues you are having on site is the office. Lisa, Sue and the grounds boys are there to help and really don't mind you phoning or calling in to discuss things like this. Of course the residents association is here to help if you don't find a solution, but the first port of call should be the office. They're all lovely and don't bite.
Contact Information
James (Secretary)
Find Dunton Park Residents' Association
Dunton Park, Lower Dunton Road, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3GE
Additional Information
When messaging the association please include your address. The association is for members so we need to check you are a member before responding.